Idiots On A Plane...Or....
Continued Adventures of Flying Squirrely Girl
Update: You should really read "All My Bags Are Packed, I 'm Ready To Go" before this to get the full impact of this little story. Only then will you understand the enormous amount of 'crazy' in my little life.
First off let me say this, I shouldn’t “drive” anywhere by myself much less “fly” anywhere by myself. I think I provided enough examples of that in Part I of this series. I should actually never be left alone with sharp objects or anything with movable parts at any time. I have the propensity to attract dangerous and abnormal events no matter where I am, even my own backyard where I once got bit by something the Hub said was an itsy bitsy bloodsucking black bug, the ER said was a ground hornet and a doctor later confirmed was a snake bite.(Yes, you may read that sentence again to make sure you really read what you think you read.)
I also tripped over a puppy on some wood
steps once and got a cut on my leg that ended up with gangrene/streptococcus/flu-like
symptoms with overtones of a broke shin and second degree burns AND
once broke my foot sitting at my desk. So I am no stranger to the “freaky and
unusual”. But to intentionally take a
flight alone with more than one stop is inviting disaster of some sort and this
trip was no exception.
Somehow I overcame my embarrassment
of not having a valid ID, sitting in the wrong seat and stealing someone’s seat
belt and finally made it to Atlanta. Then after nearly missing the flight because I
took the Tram/Train thingy the wrong direction the first time, I made it on the
“big” plane from Atlanta to Minneapolis, MN with one second to spare. Before I barely had time to pat myself on the
back, I hear the most God awful noise I have ever heard in my life. It was a
cross between grinding metal and a motorcycle race. I have never heard a noise
quite like it much less on a big ‘ol
airplane. I waited for a few seconds and
then I turned to the lady beside me and said, “Do you hear that? You do hear that, right?” She just sort of shrugged and kept reading
her book that looked like an encyclopedia. (I was hoping it was the 'A' edition for AIRPLANE CRASH RESCUES)
At first I thought maybe the engines were just
getting warmed up or were too warm from waiting on me, but the noise just got
louder and shriller and the grinding sound was just overwhelming. So I looked behind
me and said, “Have you guys ever heard anything like that on an airplane
before?” They sort of shook their heads
and I could see a glimpse of concern, but still not the reaction I expected and
was about to demand. The plane started
backing out and the noise just got louder. I rose up in my seat and looked
around and NOBODY was doing anything, nothing, zilch, notta, not a thing. Final Destination 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 was running
through my head and a little Snakes on a Plane combined with every Airport
movie made. This was more like “Idiots
on a Plane”. So of course I could not
contain myself and said rather loudly. “Am I the only person who hears this? What is wrong with you people?” (What I
really wanted to say was, “Everybody get off this plane! It is about to blow
up!) But I am not crazy you know.
The plane just kept taxiing down the
runway, whirling and twirling and grinding and moaning. Everybody started
fidgeting a bit but nobody said a word….except…me. I couldn’t help myself and said, “Miss…oh
Miss…yes, you Miss Flight Attendant, doesn’t something sound a tad bit amiss to
you?” Before she could answer the pilot
came over the loud speaker and announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are
experiencing a “small” mechanical problem and we will update you as soon as
possible.” ~Huge sigh of relief~
Hey, I can hear a spark plug ping
before it goes out, just ask my Hub. I don’t even know where a spark plug goes
or really what one looks like, but I will hear a funny noise and sure enough that
is what it will be. Some people play music by ear, that can’t read a single
note but they know when it is right or when it is wrong. I am a mechanic by
ear. I may not know ‘what’ is wrong, but I sure know when I hear something that
is not right. I usually just say it is the ‘universal joint’ because that seems
to cover just about everything. But, I digress.
I looked around at all the people who
had been staring at me and gave them a smug little smile, then the pilot came
back over the air and said this: “Ladies
and Gentlemen, we had a small problem with one of the engines but we are just
going to not use that one so we will now be on our way.”
WHAAAAAATTTTT??? Was it a spare engine? How many engines do
you have? Do you have so many you can just ignore one? And if that one sounded
that bad and you didn’t know it, what about the remaining engine or
engines? (I had a LOT of questions.) No one but me seemed concerned. “Ahhh,
it was just an engine, blondie…now sit down and shut up.” Whaaaaaattttt??? They do realize that we just heard the engine
about to explode but apparently the PILOT did not hear it because he continued to taxi
down the runway, right??? Are we gonna trust him from Atlanta to
Minneapolis? Apparently we are, because
off we go into the wild blue yonder. Spitting, spurting, whirling, twirling, grinding, moaning,
groaning, no good engine and all! I just bowed my head and said a little
prayer. “Dear Lord, I know I am not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I know
a spitting, spurting, whirling, twirling, grinding, moaning, groaning, no good engine when I hear one
and I just pray that however many other engines (if any) are left on this airplane
will hold out to get this Meme to her grand babies. Amen”
The poor flight attendant, feeling a
little sorry for me, said, “Ma’am could I get you something to drink?” I said, “Well...if
you have some liquid valium and a horse tranquilizer, that would be perfect,
thank you.”
I am pretty sure they flagged me as
either a potential terrorist, a crazy loon, or at the very least… an “unaccompanied
Signed, Still Hanging In There
~Squirrely Girl
Shaking my head... Yep, nobody cared that it sounded like a wreck with wings... I do wonder... Have grown to hate flying myself... And that is after 26 years of flying around the globe! Had more faith in our old AF planes than in civilian planes...
ReplyDeleteI think people are getting complacent about flying. That is never a good thing. But it is one thing for passengers to become is another when the mechanics and pilots and air traffic controllers become complacent. I see and feel the miracle of flight every time I get on a plane. I also pray and interview the crew. Because I was late, I didn't have time to talk to the pilot or I would have known he was an Idiot. Hehe
DeleteNever fly with an Air Force Navigator or Pilot. My husband first checks out who the pilots are because he says lots of pilots went into the civilian crews and he already gave them once chance to kill him he is not giving them another. lol then he looks at flaps etc and he does know what he is doing. On one flight before take off he flagged a stewardess down and said very politely, please tell the pilot the flaps are in the wrong position for take off. She looked at him very skeptical but I guess she couldn't help it and went to the phone and sure enough a few minutes later, flaps were changed and a very surprised flight attendant came back and said, uh, he said thank you. Now, lets see, I don't fly alone any more eh????
DeleteI am never flying again without Tom...simple as that! LOL