Chicken, Lions, and Jokers …
Or…..Stuck somewhere in the middle…
What a week. We don’t
turn on the news to necessarily be “cheered up”. But some weeks are just worse
than others. This past week has been unusually bad. Innocent lives lost in a
horrible and senseless tragedy when all they did was go to see a movie.
Children, mothers, brothers, sisters, soldiers… all gone in one act of madness
and evil that left us all a little numb. I think we all agreed it was horrible. But
the news barely broke before the fighting began. The “Don’t Touch My Freakin’
Guns” vs. “All Guns Are Bad” debate was fast and furious. Before the bodies
were removed from the theater, the Facebook pics and status updates were being
posted like an old fashion night at a drag strip. Everything from “Guns don’t kill people, people
kill people” to “I wish access to mental health was as easy as access to guns”. Although, I think most of us fell somewhere in
the middle.
Most of us believe
there should be some regulations on who can buy guns and what kind of guns they
can buy. Almost all my responsible gun loving friends say they have no problem
with a ban on assault weapons, they say they have no need of anything capable
of shooting 100 rounds at one time or 6000 rounds of ammo and admit if the crazed gunmen had needed to
reload, there might have been a chance of someone to take him down before he
did so much damage. And my anti-gun friends say they don’t think a ban on all
guns would work anyway. The voice of common sense is drowned by a few who think
it must be one way or the other. And maybe we shouldn’t have a speed
limit, because it will take away our freedom to feel the “need for speed”. Too
much freedom may not be all it is cut out to be.
Then Chick-fil-A said
it didn’t like gay people. Well, they said something like that. Apparently,
they felt the need as a restaurant to share their religious beliefs with the
whole world. Not sure what that has to do with a chicken sandwich, but they
certainly have a right to do that. This is America and there is absolutely
nothing that says a private business cannot state their religious beliefs. But
the reactions have been confusing. It is okay to agree with them, or disagree
with them, but do we really need to have a “Chick Fil A Appreciation Day” to
support them or a “Same Sex Kiss Day” to protest them? God knows how you feel if you agree with
them, he doesn’t need you to eat a chicken sandwich to prove that and if you
support your gay friends they don’t need you kissin’ on each other either. No
matter what your belief, maybe both sides should agree that we should just love
everybody. It is like we are in some sort of competition to see who can make
who the maddest. While that might be human, it certainly isn’t Christian. And
aren’t we supposed to be setting the standard of brotherly love? However, I would like to see a few other restaurants make a statement that they don't like gossip, adultery, lying, greed and gluttony. I might have to actually at least throw a Ninja Squirrel party there.
And last but not
least, the statue of Joe Paterno finally came down. I have to be very careful
here, because I am going to be completely honest. When it comes to what happened
at the Home of the Litany Lions, I lose my religion a little. Actually, I lose
my religion a lot. I found myself cheering and I don’t mean just saying “hurrah”
I mean like getting out my old pom poms, jumping up and down trying to do a Chinese
split again (Dr.’s appointment tomorrow). Thinking about those who would put a
sport ahead of the lives of innocent children jacks my jaw and burns my cheeks
(as the Gator would say). I think it is
one of the most disgusting things to happen in the history of our country. Yes,
even worse than the mad gunman. He is obviously a sick human being. We may
never understand what goes on in one psychopath’s brain, but this was a group
of educated men.
These were men who parents entrusted the well-being of their most
precious possession. And they conspired and they ignored and they put
selfishness, power, pride and a football record ahead of all decency. It is
hard to feel charity and forgiveness for that sort of offense. I have to
remember that God said he loved the “whole” world, even those who seem
despicable to me. The bible says we are all like “filthy rags” but I can’t help
it, some of the rags just look a lot dirtier to me than others. So I am guilty,
guilty of thinking I can know what is and what is not justice. God’s justice is
not mine and that is probably very lucky for me. My prayer is that we all find
a way to stop being “all or nothing”.
When we are debating--and I think we should—let’s listen as much as we
talk. Maybe being stuck in the middle on some things is not the worst place to
IMHO ~ Squirrely Girl